Vores kultur
Hos Manao Software ønsker vi at se hinanden trives og nå til tops. Derfor har vi etableret et sundt arbejdsmiljø, hvor alle har god plads til at spire.
Diversitet og inklusion
Kun ved aktivt at opsøge medarbejdere fra forskellige baggrunde, kan vi skabe en inkluderende arbejdskultur. Det gælder køn, nationalitet, etnicitet, religion, seksuel orientering og helbred.
Work-life balance
Det vigtigste for os er, at du forvalter din arbejdstid effektivt. Måden du tilrettelægger din dag på er derfor op til dig. Vi tror på frihed under ansvar og har tillid til, at du løfter de opgaver, der lander på dit bord.
Remote arbejde
Når du arbejder remote, er det med muligheden for at strukturere dit arbejde rundt om dit privatliv. Står du i en situation, hvor det kunne være belejligt engang imellem at arbejde hjemmefra, er vi åbne over for en hybridløsning.
Respekt hinanden
Når alle deltager i en mangfoldig arbejdskultur og viser, at de er nysgerrige på hinandens perspektiver, fostrer det helt naturligt et arbejdsmiljø,
hvor medarbejdere føler sig hørt, respekteret og anerkendt for deres indsats.
Vi tror på, at spørgsmål og nysgerrighed forbedrer vores evne til at analysere og finde sammenhænge mellem forskellige idéer og koncepter. Jo mere vi udforsker vores arbejde, desto lettere bliver det at danne sig overblik og overskue komplekse projekter.
Holdmentalitet er en forudsætning for at kunne fremhæve hinandens ekspertiser og kvaliteter. Nuancerede bidrag og vidensdeling hjælper til at styrke samarbejdet i et team, så alle arbejder mere effektivt og struktureret.
Hverdagen hos Manao Software
Tapanee Juangpanich
Manao Software company provides a dynamic and inclusive work environment, promoting collaboration and innovation. They prioritize employee development, offering training programs and mentorship opportunities for professional growth. Work-life balance is highly valued, with flexible arrangements to support personal commitments. The leadership team is visionary, accessible, and supportive, empowering employees to excel. The company fosters a strong sense of teamwork, encouraging knowledge sharing and fostering a positive work atmosphere. The workload is well-balanced, ensuring that employees can perform at their best without excessive stress. With a solid industry reputation, Manao Software offers stability and potential for career advancement. Joining Manao Software means joining a thriving community dedicated to excellence and continuous learning.
Ireen Chodkietdamrong
Manao Software is a great workplace. They offer fantastic benefits that go above and beyond. The training programmed to help us unlock our true potential. Level up our skills, advance our careers, and reach new heights. Enjoy flexible hours that fit our lives. At Manao Software, we foster a supportive environment where you can freely connect, collaborate, and create with colleagues. Our team leader is always ready to offer their support.
Pheeracha (Gib) Singhsumalee
After having lived in the United Stated for over 30 years, I was thrilled to have joined Manao Software. I have the opportunity to continue utilizing my English-speaking ability as I eased back into the Thai culture. Manao Software offers me a variety of challenges and opportunities with a wide range of local and international clients and projects, which keeps things interesting. I also enjoy the opportunity to mentor and develop my team members, and to see them grow and succeed.
One of the things I enjoy most about my job is the opportunity to make a real difference in the quality of software products. I know that my work helps to ensure that software is released to customers that is free of defects and meets their expectations. This is a very rewarding feeling.
I also enjoy the collaborative nature of my work. I work closely with developers, product owners, and other stakeholders to understand the requirements and to develop effective test plans. This requires strong communication and teamwork skills, which I enjoy developing.
Overall, I am very happy with my job as a QA manager at Manao Software. If you are looking for a challenging and rewarding career, I encourage you to consider a position with us!
Loïc (Loic) Arnaud Kpatcha
Manao is a great workplace where Eastern and Western cultures come across each other. It is rewarding to be part of this stimulating environment and benefit from the best of each culture.
At Manao, each employee is valued and can make a difference in the organization. It is nice to know that your voice really counts.
Kittisap (Peepo) Sangthong
Manao Software, on the other hand, is one of my favorites. I've worked in a variety of offices because I'm someone who is always looking for new possibilities for my profession. Manao Software provides me with multiple opportunities for learning, working, and making new acquaintances. The work culture and environment are supportive of any personality, as we can work anywhere and anytime. Manao Software motivates employees so that they are focused on our delivered work rather than when we work. My colleague is one thing I should mention. I can say that even when we are not working on the same project, we always support each other.
Kittisart (Book) Sawangbumrung
I’ve been working here for 15 years and have never once doubted the direction of the company. Manao really cares about making sure that his employees have a fun and satisfying place to work. Manao show that doing the right thing is what will make the company successful and employees happy.
Passorn (Mai) Watthanasupa-angkul
We organize monthly activities to bring employee together, strengthening relationships and building bonds. From team-building adventures to exciting outings in diverse locations, we make sure June, our anniversary month, is filled with unforgettable moments.
But that’s not all, We also prioritize your well-being. Enjoy benefits like a provident fund, comprehensive health insurance, and regular health check-ups. At Manao, our team is vibrant and always eager to learn and grow, keeping pace with the latest technologies.
Tunyaluck (Fah) Khantham
I work at Manao Software as a QA, and I have an amazing experience. The company has provided an excellent work-life balance, which allows me to maintain a healthy personal life while excelling in my professional responsibilities.
One of the things that makes my experience at Manao Software so enjoyable is the positive work environment. The workplace has a friendly and collaborative atmosphere, where teamwork is highly valued. I have an opportunity to work with talented and supportive colleagues who are always willing to help and share their knowledge. This created a sense of friendship that makes each day at work enjoyable.
Tapanee Juangpanich
Manao Software company provides a dynamic and inclusive work environment, promoting collaboration and innovation. They prioritize employee development, offering training programs and mentorship opportunities for professional growth. Work-life balance is highly valued, with flexible arrangements to support personal commitments. The leadership team is visionary, accessible, and supportive, empowering employees to excel. The company fosters a strong sense of teamwork, encouraging knowledge sharing and fostering a positive work atmosphere. The workload is well-balanced, ensuring that employees can perform at their best without excessive stress. With a solid industry reputation, Manao Software offers stability and potential for career advancement. Joining Manao Software means joining a thriving community dedicated to excellence and continuous learning.
Ireen Chodkietdamrong
Manao Software is a great workplace. They offer fantastic benefits that go above and beyond. The training programmed to help us unlock our true potential. Level up our skills, advance our careers, and reach new heights. Enjoy flexible hours that fit our lives. At Manao Software, we foster a supportive environment where you can freely connect, collaborate, and create with colleagues. Our team leader is always ready to offer their support.
Pheeracha (Gib) Singhsumalee
After having lived in the United Stated for over 30 years, I was thrilled to have joined Manao Software. I have the opportunity to continue utilizing my English-speaking ability as I eased back into the Thai culture. Manao Software offers me a variety of challenges and opportunities with a wide range of local and international clients and projects, which keeps things interesting. I also enjoy the opportunity to mentor and develop my team members, and to see them grow and succeed.
One of the things I enjoy most about my job is the opportunity to make a real difference in the quality of software products. I know that my work helps to ensure that software is released to customers that is free of defects and meets their expectations. This is a very rewarding feeling.
I also enjoy the collaborative nature of my work. I work closely with developers, product owners, and other stakeholders to understand the requirements and to develop effective test plans. This requires strong communication and teamwork skills, which I enjoy developing.
Overall, I am very happy with my job as a QA manager at Manao Software. If you are looking for a challenging and rewarding career, I encourage you to consider a position with us!
Loïc (Loic) Arnaud Kpatcha
Manao is a great workplace where Eastern and Western cultures come across each other. It is rewarding to be part of this stimulating environment and benefit from the best of each culture.
At Manao, each employee is valued and can make a difference in the organization. It is nice to know that your voice really counts.
Kittisap (Peepo) Sangthong
Manao Software, on the other hand, is one of my favorites. I've worked in a variety of offices because I'm someone who is always looking for new possibilities for my profession. Manao Software provides me with multiple opportunities for learning, working, and making new acquaintances. The work culture and environment are supportive of any personality, as we can work anywhere and anytime. Manao Software motivates employees so that they are focused on our delivered work rather than when we work. My colleague is one thing I should mention. I can say that even when we are not working on the same project, we always support each other.
Kittisart (Book) Sawangbumrung
I’ve been working here for 15 years and have never once doubted the direction of the company. Manao really cares about making sure that his employees have a fun and satisfying place to work. Manao show that doing the right thing is what will make the company successful and employees happy.
Passorn (Mai) Watthanasupa-angkul
We organize monthly activities to bring employee together, strengthening relationships and building bonds. From team-building adventures to exciting outings in diverse locations, we make sure June, our anniversary month, is filled with unforgettable moments.
But that’s not all, We also prioritize your well-being. Enjoy benefits like a provident fund, comprehensive health insurance, and regular health check-ups. At Manao, our team is vibrant and always eager to learn and grow, keeping pace with the latest technologies.
Tunyaluck (Fah) Khantham
I work at Manao Software as a QA, and I have an amazing experience. The company has provided an excellent work-life balance, which allows me to maintain a healthy personal life while excelling in my professional responsibilities.
One of the things that makes my experience at Manao Software so enjoyable is the positive work environment. The workplace has a friendly and collaborative atmosphere, where teamwork is highly valued. I have an opportunity to work with talented and supportive colleagues who are always willing to help and share their knowledge. This created a sense of friendship that makes each day at work enjoyable.
Fordele og frynsegoder
International workplace
Highly talented and professional co-workers. We only hire top professionals to work at our office in Chiang Mai.
Clear career paths
We define what you need to do in order to advance to the next level. Together, we plan your career, and review your annual performance.
Microsoft certifications
Become a Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD). We pay for your training, books, and exam fees.
Learn & grow
We pay for training and exam fees, and give a bonus when you pass an exam. Enjoy language training two hours a week. We pay fees and travel costs.
Our employees are the heart of Manao Software. We make sure the heart is strong and healthy!
- Group health insurance.
- Life insurance.
- Accident insurance.
- Social security.
- Take a break and get some exercise with our ping pong table or football table.
- Free fruit and drinking water provided.
Work is not only work. Get to know your colleagues better during our fun events, and make new friends
- Fun company events every month (see our Facebook page), like movie night, bowling night, paintball, etc.
- Anniversary Party. A big excursion.
- New Year Party. Features our famous “Danish Christmas Present Exchange Game”
- Birthday cakes.
- Cycling team and football team.
A relaxed and flexible atmosphere in a growing company.
- We are Chiang Mai’s best IT workplace!
- A high salary with bonus.
- Only 40 work hours per week, and no work on weekends.
- Paid overtime with bonus.
- Kitchen with free coffee, coke, ice tea, snacks, fruit.
- A modern office with mountain view, close to Nimmanhaemin and the city centre.

Manao software
Vores arbejdsplads
Manao Software ApS
Jordbrovej 6, 2. th
8200 Århus N, Danmark