Differences in Penetration Testing vs QA Testing Services

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There’s an increasing need for effective security prevention measures as online criminals become more sophisticated in accessing and stealing valuable and sensitive data, including financial data. Many companies are using penetration testing to ensure the safety of their systems and software. 

Manao Software offers this comprehensive penetration testing service alongside our effective QA testing services. Our QA testing service and our security testing service provide a robust level of functionality and protection for your software and data. They ensure the operational integrity and complete security of your online software applications. 

QA Testing Services vs Penetration Testing

Our QA testing services help verify that your software performs in the way it was designed to. We offer International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB)-certified software testers who will systematically and methodically test your software for defects and errors. 

This is a necessary step in software development. It enables testers to locate and fix flaws and eliminate bugs that impede the software’s performance and deliver a less-than-satisfactory user experience. QA testing is done throughout the development of the software application and as a final step before the application is launched. 

QA testing ensures the viability and integrity of the software to operate under the parameters of its design. For high-risk applications used for sensitive and highly classified data and financial information, a penetration test has been developed that goes beyond the QA test to determine the software’s security from vulnerabilities.  

What is a Penetration Test?

Software developers have determined that the best way to ensure the security of a software system is to try to break into it. This is essentially the role that a penetration test plays. The penetration test, or ‘pentest’, acts like a hacker and tries to penetrate the existing security of the software. It may verify that the software is effective at maintaining its high level of security, or the pentest may discover holes and errors that need to be addressed and fixed before sensitive data can be stored on the application. 

The pentests at Manao Software follow a strict methodology to ensure accuracy and thoroughness. We have a dedicated pentest team who are experts in assessing the security of your software.

Discovery and Analysis

The first step in a pentest is simply to talk with you to understand your software and infrastructure and how it’s used on a regular basis. We’ll also find out your goals in getting your software pentested. 

Designing a Custom Pentest

The next step is to design a custom pentest based on the information we learned during the initial interview. Manao Software knows that there is no one-size-fits-all in software. Every software system is different and geared toward specific uses by the owners. By learning how the software is used, we can design a pentest test that accurately tests the most likely areas for vulnerabilities and security issues. 

Testing the Software

Our pentest team will start scanning your software application in a sandbox environment. A sandbox environment isolates the computer system running your software. This protects the safety of network resources and shared local applications.

Our pen testing tool loads the web pages and analyses them to determine how they communicate with the server storing the data. Then, the program tries to communicate with the server in unexpected ways to search for vulnerabilities, much like a hacker trying to break into a system would.  

Reporting and Remediation

When the scan is complete, our team will provide a comprehensive report of potential vulnerabilities and our recommendations for remediation. The report will contain an estimation of the severity of an attack based on the vulnerabilities it finds. 

Verification Re-testing

Our pentest team will re-test your software within thirty days of remediation to verify that all the vulnerabilities have been removed and the software is secure.  

Candidates for a Pentest

Discover whether your software has vulnerabilities

Any company concerned about the potential vulnerability of its data is a prime candidate for a pentest. However, companies in the finance, e-commerce, technology, healthcare, and government industries and those that provide cloud storage and support services are prime candidates. Some of them may be required under law to have regular pentests performed.

Banks, finance companies and cloud-service providers are tested weekly or monthly as their business survival depends on their software security. Other companies may be tested based on data value and sensitivity and how seriously the business would be damaged in a breach.  

Companies that have their own software teams can also use Manao Software’s penetration testing services. Teams with intimate knowledge of the software in question’s development are unsuitable for testing their own application’s vulnerabilities. Manao Software can provide fresh insight into the software’s potential deficiencies and vulnerabilities.   

The Height of Software Performance and Security

By combining QA testing services and penetration testing, you have the satisfaction of knowing your software is performing exactly as designed and offers much-improved safety and security from any intrusions. It’s the absolute height of software performance and security.

Discover what penetration testing can mean for your software system and data security. Manao Software would like to offer a 10% discount for a limited time to new penetration testing customers.

To find out more about the value of penetration testing in safeguarding sensitive and valuable data, contact Manao Software today.

Not sure what you need?

Feel free to reach out, so we can help you figure out what type of service best suits your business.

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